Hello every one again! Did you miss me? You were probably wondering when I would be back. Sorry I don't have any certain day that I will be blogging yet. Maybe in the the future.
Well, anyway I am sure you are all super exited to hear what story I am going to write today. I am going to write about the Phantom of the Opera. Yeah! I know you may think that it it not really a book. It is more of an opera. Well, yes and no. It was actually a book first but it is often forgotten about because the opera is so amazing. An opera is what old people go watch, right? Anyone who just agreed with that statement can just leave now! There is the the URL box.
Is anyone still with me... good! Let us continue. Yes, the Phantom of the Opera is an opera and a book written by a French writer Gaston Leroux. But, did you know that it could have possible really happened? I am not saying that it is true. I am simply putting it out there that I have, in fact, read the book and he really wrote it in a way that seemed to know what he was talking about. I am not going to tell you what to believe. Just that I do think that, at the very least, the Phantom of the Opera may be based upon true events.
If you want to learn more about how the phantom of the Opera could be real click here!
The Phantom of the Opera is about a singer named Christine. She is am amazing singer from around the 1840s and worked at Paris Opera House. Although, she is one of the most talented people in her cast she is often over shadowed by the lead, Carlotta. In-spite of that Christine soon gains an admirer. The phantom of the opera house falls in love with her. He tries to force the owners of the opera cast to make Christine the lead
through threats of destruction. The new owners, not sure what to do with the phantom, deiced to just ignore the threats and move on.
The phantom, then, makes Carlotta lose her voice on stage and kidnaps Christine. He plans on keeping her in his home under the opera house because he hopped she would love him back. (The Phantom of the Opera wares a mask because of a child deformation on his face that, apparently made him quite ugly.) Upon Christine removing his mask he feared she would be frightened off and never return to him so he decided to keep her, with him, forever. Christine begged him to let her return to her world and, because the Phantom could not stand to see her so unhappy, let her go as long as she wore his ring and remained faithful to him.
Unknown to the Phantom at the time that Christine was in love with her childhood crush Raoul. They recently found each other, again, after not seeing each other for years. They both loved each other and wanted to be married. After Christine tells Raoul of what happened to her he decides that he was going to save her from such a fate. Christine, out of pity of the phantom, agreed that she would leave the cast after she sang one more song in the Opera House for the Phantom. Little did they know, that when they made that plan, the phantom heard everything and grew very jealous. When Christine sings her last song on stage, in front of a large crowd, he kidnapped her in a moment of darkness that he created.
I am not going to go into anymore detail because I want you all to read this book! It is one of my absolute favorite books! Yes, it is very much a romance book. But, it does have a lot of mysterious things. I am not saying this book is a real story but, the setting takes place in a real place and the people were real. Whether they actually did these things you can decide.
Love this play! Now to read the book!